If you can’t find the answer to your question below, please feel free to email with any further queries


What Is Pole Dancing? Pole Dancing is a form of dance and performance combined with gymnastics in which a person uses a vertical pole (fixed or portable) to perform tricks, spins and maneuvers.   It can be performed on either a spinning or static (non spinning) pole and is usually performed for the entertainment of a crowd or a person but it can also be a personal hobby


Pole Dance or Pole Fitness? Our classes offer a mixture of pole dance and flow along with fitness, stretching and conditioning.  If you specifically want to learn sexy pole or to learn the fitness aspect we recommend that you book private lessons


What Are The Benefits Of Pole? Pole dance/fitness has many physical and physiological benefits.  It will help to improve your balance, flexibility and mobility.  It speeds up your metabolism.  It helps to create better sleep pattern.  It will improve your mental & physical help along with improve your heart health & stamina.  Tone up your abdominals and other parts of your body.  Enjoy the freedom of self expression.  Increase your self esteem whilst releasing endorphins.


When Will I See Changes In My Body & Strength? It depends how often you practice but you are most likely to see results from going once a week.  The more passionate you become you may wish to attend two or three times a week to see huge results and changes in your body and strength


Avoid Bad Habits 

  • Lazy climbing (aka Monkey climbing) using the bottom of your feet
  • Messy feet , try to always point your toes which also strengthens your calf muscles and improves posture
  • Not following the lesson plan , its really off putting for your teacher who has gone out of their way to create a structured class plan, you are welcome to do your own moves when hiring our studio or at private lessons
  • Negativity will not be tolerated, we operate a no 'I Can't Do It' policy lol.  Lets try to promote admiration of the other gods and goddesses in the room by firing away compliments and support
  • Not Dead-lifting when you have achieved enough lessons and strength, try to always challenge yourself when you have progressed to the higher levels of pole fitness
  • Both Sides always work both sides of your both and 


Is Pole Fitness Safe? Like any sport or form of fitness, there is a possibility that you could injure yourself but the likelihood of injury is significantly reduced so long as you follow the safety guidelines and training that your instructor provides

7 of the most common injuries being:

  • Shoulders (Rotator Cuff Tears)
  • Wrist Sprain
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Hamstring Strain
  • Shoulders (Deltoid Strain)
  • Intercostal Strain
  • Forearm Strain

If you are a beginner practicing at home or our studio alone, you should take regular breaks to avoid over-straining yourself and use mats for any technical or scary moves/combinations


Which Class Should I Book? We If you have previous pole dance experience and are unsure which class is best suited to join we recommend booking either a mixed ability or private lesson and just ask our instructor to assess your level and recommend the best group classes to book there after.  We run beginners, improvers, intermediate, advanced and tricks level classes and its a good idea to start from our beginners level, whether thats classes or a structured 6 week course.


Whats Included In A Class? Most classes use a similar structure which includes teacher greetings / getting to know each-other and general information including pole sizes/types, fire escape, lotion & removal of jewellery, cleaning your station, etc.  Then you will perform a warm-up to suit the class skill level, strength & conditioning exercises either on or off the pole.  Then depending on the class type it could include steps, linking and gyration moves, routine building as a team or pre-planned by your instructor, floor-work, spins, climbs, inverts, tricks and combinations.  Ending with static stretches and stretches using the poles and a cool down (standing or on our yoga mats)


What Course Should I Join? If you are a complete beginner we recommend trying a beginners taster lesson first.  You can book a beginners 6 week course in the daytime, evenings and weekends here.  Our course stages start from beginners and run right up to Stage 10! 


How Do The Courses Work? If you start from a beginners 6 week course it will run on the same day and time each week over 6 consecutive weeks.  We need a minimum of 3x persons to start your course so you may have to wait a few weeks but we will always update you if there is another course starting sooner on a different date.  As soon as your course has started, you will be added to a WhatsApp group conversation including your teacher and admin team where you can discuss any aspect about your course and share pics and videos.  If you don't want to be included in the WhatsApp group all you have to do is leave.  If you can't wait, you can always book a private course instead just for yourself or with the other one or 2 persons waiting and purchase a block of 6x class bookings in our pre-paid packages area, just log in to the customer area to view. Each course is structured to include around 3 to 6 moves per week (depending on the Stage) and with sometimes enough time to go over previous weeks moves or design a dance routine, whatever your group so wishes to do.  You will receive a detailed course structure and end certificate.  Your teacher may like to include dressing up on the final lesson and some games but if you really want to do this as a fun team-building final lesson, make sure to ask your teacher in your WhatsApp group with enough time for them to prepare.  The Stage 2 course will be set to start the week after your beginners course has finished on the same day/time but we can postpone to a maximum of 2 weeks if your group agrees on a short break before starting it again.  Unfortunately if you need a week off or are unwell, the class will be forfeit but you can book a class or private lesson if you feel the need to catch up or just catch up at your lesson the following week.


What Shall I Wear/Bring? We recommend comfortable clothing/gym wear.  Shorts are best so you have more grip with your legs but you are welcome to wear leggings on the first few lessons over the top before you feel comfortable enough to take them off.  Bare foot is best.  Bring your own towel and water bottle (no open containers).  Don't forget your inhaler if you are asthmatic. 


Anything Else I Need To Know? We recommend that you do not eat any later than 2 hours prior to your class which can help some people who experience motion sickness.  Please be prepared that there is a risk that you will get bruises and/or friction burns and some people bruise more easily than others.  We recommend rubbing Arnica cream to speed up the healing of bruises.


What Should I Not Wear? Don't use body lotion before your session and definitely not on your hands as this will make the pole slippery and impede your grip.  Don't wear jewellery that hangs and could get caught.  Please remove all rings to avoid scratching our poles or causing injury/pinches to your skin


How Do I Find The Studio Directions and map can be found here


Can I Spectate? Our students don't feel comfortable being watched so unfortunately you can't spectate but you can take a look at our class videos on Facebook here or Instagram here.


Tell Me About Your Poles? We have 6 top of the range X-Pert Pro X-poles and can have up to 2 persons sharing a pole.  It can get tiring having one pole to yourself and sometimes sharing is great so you can help each other out, help spot them (with teacher guidance first) and work as a team.  Although you may get lucky some weeks if any students don't show up for their class.  Make sure to ask your teacher to rotate the sharers so some weeks you could have that pole all to yourself.  Also try to mix up your sharing with a new student each week to get to know each of your class mates that little bit better.  We have a selection of 40mm and 45mm for different hand sizes and grips.


I Have A Nickel Allergy!  We have two powder coated poles at our studio (one pink and one black) so you can still attend but make sure to inform your teacher that you must not use the chrome poles


How Many People Are There In A class? Each group class or course can have a minimum of 2 students and up to around 12 students max.  If you have anxiety or confidence difficulties we recommend that you book private lessons instead


Should I Buy My Own Pole? Yes you can purchase your own pole if you think you have enough room in your home or garage, we offer a wide range of poles and freestanding pole dance podiums on our shop page as well as a fitting service.  Its a great idea to practice more at home in between your weekly pole classes but we also offer studio hire if you don't have room for a pole at home.


Is There An Age Limit?   Our age limit is 16 yrs old+ but youths classes are available if you are younger or you can book privates with one of our DRB checked instructors


Am I Too Old / Overweight / Weak? You're never too old to take up pole, we have students in their 50's+!  Every lesson you have will help towards you losing weight, toning up and gaining strength and everyone has to start off somewhere.  The maximum weight our poles can structurally take is 23 1/2 stone.


Can I Pay On The Day? All classes must be pre-booked and paid for online to ensure we have enough poles per student and other necessary arrangements


What Is Your Refund Policy? Please see Terms and Conditions


Can Any Gender Join Or Teach The Classes? Yes, all of our classes are catered for any gender and are LBGTQIA+ friendly.  We operate an any gender instructor policy as well however, if you wish to attend a single gender only class environment or require a specific gender instructor, we recommend that you book private lessons and state on the booking form which gender of instructor you'd like.


Are There Shower And Changing Facilities? We have a changing room upstairs and a downstairs WC but no showers


Will I Get Dirty? Possibly when floor-work is included in some classes, we recommend that you do not wear expensive clothing and we can not be responsible for damages or stains to clothing. We do have a regular cleaner but the studio is in constant use so sometimes this can not be avoided. Or if you would prefer to opt out of any floor-work this is your choice entirely, just let your instructor know


Is There Anything I Must Not Bring Or Wear? Don't wear hair claw grips or anything that could impale you or other students.  All jewellery is to be removed before starting your class to avoid injury to yourself and damage to our poles

Disclaimer If you have any medical conditions, injuries or are worried about any aspect of your health that may prevent you from doing physical activity, you must consult your doctor prior to attending any class.  Please advise your instructor of any health conditions at the start of the class and ensure that you update your instructor should your health or physical fitness or ability change.  All participants must sign our disclaimer consent form on arrival located in the changing room desk.  Our full disclaimer can be viewed here


What Grips Can I Use? Only use clear resin or powder based grips at the studio ie. either Pole Twisters own brand (purchased here) or a similar brand purchased online.  You must NOT use white chalky grips and especially those brands named Stickum, Envirogrip, Grip-iT, iTac, Sticky Mechanic Grip, Monkey Grip, Gorilla Grip or liquid chalk - these products are banned from our studio.  We respect that if you spill any grip on the floor you clean it up straight away

What grips are banned from our studio and what grips you can use
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