Pole Studio Hire T&C's

PRICES FOR ONE OFF HIRE – Fees for hiring space are included on our website, subject to revision from time to time as Pole Twisters ltd sees fit. Further charges may be levied if additional costs are incurred by the hiring of the space, ie additional overtime.

· 7 days or more no charge incurred
· 48 hours leading up to 7 days before, half payment required
· Less than 48 hours notice full payment taken

If a hiring is double booked or needs to be cancelled, you will be contacted immediately and offered an alternative venue or any hire fee previously paid for the cancelled hiring shall be reimbursed to the Hirer. Should Pole Twisters Ltd for any reason beyond its control be unable to fulfil its commitments, it will not be liable for damages or compensation, ie. Travel costs, hotel, etc.

ROOM RESTRICTIONS – Access to and use of the hired space shall be strictly restricted to the hired space and to the hours agreed by email  (i.e. the Hirer should not have access prior to or after the stated time) and the Hirer shall be liable to pay such additional fees as the Pole Twisters may prescribe if the hired space is used by the Hirer outside the agreed times.

COPYRIGHT – No copyright work shall be performed without the licence of the owner of the copyright and the payment of any appropriate fee. The Hirer shall indemnify Pole Twisters ltd against any infringement of copyright which may occur during the hiring.

LICENCES – The Hirer shall not use the hired space for any purpose for which a licence is necessary (e.g. sale of alcohol) unless such a licence is in force in respect of the premises. The Hirer shall strictly observe the conditions of any licence granted in respect of the hired space and the Hirer shall be deemed to have notice of any condition attached thereto. The hirer shall be responsible for the observance of all regulations appertaining to the premises stipulated by the City and County Licence Agreement, Licensing Justices & the Fire Authority.

PERSONAL SALES – The hired space shall not be used for the sale or display of goods and services, or for any public entertainment, without the prior written approval of Pole Twisters ltd.

FOOD & DRINK – The Consumption of food and drink is permitted in the changing area only and NOT the Dance Studios.

SMOKING – A no smoking policy is in force within Pole Twisters Dance Studios, meeting with current British legislation.

VIDEO/FILM/PHOTOGRAPHY – We would appreciate you tagging, hash tag or crediting our Dance Studios. 

INSURANCE – The Hirer must ensure they have public liability insurance, including any teachers they send to the dance studios. You must produce proof upon request.

HEALTH & SAFETY – The Hirer is responsible for the Health and Safety of all persons using the hired space. The Hirer must therefore ensure, prior to the hiring that the hired space and all access and egress thereto is suitable for the proposed use by the Hirer and are safe for persons using the premises. The Hirer must, prior to the hiring, be fully aware of the fire precautions procedure in existence for the hired space, including identifying the fire doors and emergency means of escape from the premises. In addition, An Evacuation Drill document is on the studio wall, adhered to and to also record members present at the Hirers booking. This practise will enable accountability for all members of the hired booking in the event of an emergency evacuation.

CHILDREN – Pole Twisters Dance Studios accepts no responsibility for children on its premises, any children permitted to enter the building in connection with a room hire must be accompanied by a responsible chaperone.

STUDIO EQUIPMENT – The hire of premises can include the use of Pole Twisters equipment within the premises including poles and music system/s. No such equipment shall be hired out without the written approval of the Centre Manager who may specify conditions and charge such fees in respect of such use as she/he sees fit.

PERSONAL EQUIPMENT – No bolts, nails, tacks pins or other like objects shall be driven into any part of the hired premises nor shall any placards or other articles be affixed thereto. Any exhibits used must be free standing and not attached to any part of the building or furnishings by any means unless permission is given by the Centre manager. The Hirer shall ensure that all scenery draperies used in Pole Twisters Dance Studios are treated with fire-resisting solution that will not constitute a fire risk to the Centre.

ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT – Hirers are responsible for ensuring that all electrical equipment brought to the premises meets the current statutory safety standards.

HIRED EQUIPMENT – The arrangements of chairs, tables and displays will be discussed with the Hirer and every effort will be made to recognise the Hirers requirements. Unless a particular room setting is specified, the room will be prepared in the usual way for a similar function. It may not be possible to reset the room or make major changes at short notice.

DAMAGES – The Hirer shall be liable for all damage howsoever and by whomever caused to the premises arising out of the hiring and shall indemnify Pole Twisters Dance Studios against all loss, damage and expense, whether direct or indirect, arising there from unless due solely and directly to the negligence of Pole Twisters Dance Studios. CCTV is present and recording. 

(a) The Hirer shall be liable for and shall indemnify Pole Twisters ltd against any expenses, liability, loss claim or proceedings whatsoever arising under statute or of common law in respects of personal injury to or death of any person whomsoever or damage to any property real or personal arising directly or indirectly from the hire of the space unless due solely to the negligence of Pole Twisters Dance Studios.

(b) The Hirer is required to be insured against its legal liabilities to third parties, for both personal injury and property damage, including damage to the occupied space. Such insurance should be effected with a reputable Insurance Company and have a limit of indemnity of at least £l, 000,000 for any accident. When so required the Hirer must furnish evidence that such insurance is in force and produce the Insurance Policy. The Hirer, during the period of the hire, shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that no noise nuisance is created, respecting other users of Pole Twisters Dance Studios.

PERSONAL LOSS/DAMAGES – Pole Twisters Dance Studios will not under any circumstance accept responsibility or liability in respect of any damage to or loss of any goods, articles or property of any kind brought into or left at the premises either by the Hirer for his/her purpose or by any other persons or left or deposited with any Officer or employee of Pole Twisters Dance Studios.

PARKING – The Hirer shall ensure that any vehicles connected with the hire which are parked on Pole Twisters site shall be arranged so as to ensure entry for emergency vehicles at all times. There are limited parking spaces in the daytime; plenty of spaces available in the evening from 5pm onwards

ENTRY TO BUILDING – If the Hirer is provided with an entry code or other piece of information as part of our internal security procedures you must treat such information as confidential and you must not disclose it to any third party.

CLEANLINESS – The Hirer shall at the expiration of the hire, leave the premises in a clean and orderly state. Hirers should note that we have no provision for the disposal of babies’ nappies/wipes and we request that the hirers arrange for their own disposal. The disposal of refuse bags containing function waste is the responsibility of the Hirer. If the Hirer falls to leave the area clean and tidy after use, the cost of additional cleaning will be charged to the Hirer.

SUBLETTING – The hirer shall not sub-let or assign the hired space or any part thereof. Should she/he do or attempt to so do the Hire Agreement shall be cancelled and all fees paid forfeited. This agreement may be determined at any time by either party giving to the other notice which is in all circumstances of reasonable length of time.

DISCO LIGHTS - we have disco lights at Pole Twisters studios so if you suffer with epilepsy or are sensitive to strobe or flashing lights, please ask for them to be turned off or speak directly to your instructor or a member of staff present
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