Online PSFC Classes

Join on classes that are running at our dance studio in Cardiff

  • Virtual pole dance classes

    Live Stream Virtual Classes

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  • Wherever you are in the world

    you are more than welcome to join us

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  • Hate being stuck in rush hour traffic?

    Just £3 pp for 1 hour to join in


  • Do you hate being stuck in rush hour traffic?
  • Maybe you live too far from your local dance school

Wherever you are in the world, if you have Internet connection or WiFi, you can join in one of our classes in the comfort of your own home

ABOUT THE CLASS - This weekly 2 hour class will start with a warm-up followed by pole fitness where you will learn moves, combinations and tricks based on your ability, plus adding in pole conditioning for the first hour, the second hour our instructor will offer strengthening exercises, flexibility and splits training

You will require your own pole and a safety mat if available

You will participate in the warm-up, class and cool down.  You will be able to hear the instructor and the class however the instructor will not be able to interact with you.  This is purely a watch and learn only

COST – £6 for 2 hours

LGBTQIA+ Friendly Venue

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